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Injection Therapy
Injection therapies are used to support and accelerate the body's healing abilities, particularly helpful with pain and dysfunction. The following injection therapies are offered...
Prolotherapy is a non-surgical ligament/tendon reconstruction technique. This treatment repairs connective tissue by strengthening ligaments and tendons that have become damaged due to sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, trauma, poor posture, etc. An effective treatment at addressing joint pain and most types of musculoskeletal pain.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Similar to prolotherapy, in terms of the technique and manner - different in terms of the solution used. This treatment requires a specially prepared sample from the patient containing concentrated platelets, growth factors and proteins to accelerate the healing of damaged tissues. Compared to traditional prolotherapy (above), healing with PRP is faster, more efficient and typically requires less number of treatments.
Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy is a treatment used to relieve acute and chronic pain and dysfunction. This therapy involves an injection of local anesthetic with or without homeopathic preparations along nerve pathways, into scars, trigger points, and acupuncture points. This is an effective treatment for addressing pain and a number of other conditions.
Perineural Injection Technique (formerly Neural Prolotherapy)
Previously referred to as Neural Prolotherapy (NPT), Perineural Injection Technique (PIT) is a subcutaneous injection to help restore proper nerve function. Nerves along the skin are susceptible to irritation by muscle contraction, trauma or poor posture which is experienced as pain or altered sensation. With PIT, results are often immediate with the reduction in irritation and inflammation of nerves and pain.
Trigger Point Therapy
Some chronic pain may be experienced due to tight, contracted or spastic muscles resistant to stretch, massage or mobilization therapies. A perpetual misfiring of nerve impulses causes this continuous muscle contraction. Trigger point therapy is the injection of local anaesthetic into the problem area allowing the muscle to release and break the spasm cycle.